The best time to visit Kakadu

The best time to visit Kakadu

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The Best times to visit Kakadu and why.

The Northern Territory or the top end of Australia experiences a vastly different climate to the rest of Australia.  The Top End generally has two seasons- the Wet season and Dry Season.  During the dry season, the temperatures hover around 30 degrees and of course there's no rain.  During the Wet Season, it doesn't stop raining which makes some areas in impossible to access.

With this in mind, the most popular time to visit is the Dry Season.  

Interestingly, the Aboriginal custodians of Kakadu actually recognises 6 seasons and note these by the subtle changes in both weather and nature.

So when is the wet season then and why does everyone avoid it?

The wet season runs from November to March and has thunderstorms and impromptu rain storms. While there are less tourists, there are more of the dreaded mosquitos and certain areas do flood at times.

I will point out that hiking through Kakadu National Park though during the wet season is incredible.  Those who love wildlife, will adore wet season as there are amazing opportunities to see natural wonders and wildlife, as well as a lot less people.

So while the masses will head to Kakadu during the dry season, if you can handle the rainfall and thunderstorms, you may want to visit it during the rainy season and capture its lush, wild natural beauty.