The age of aboriginal paintings in Arnhem Land

The age of aboriginal paintings in Arnhem Land

Injalak Hill Aboriginal Rock Art Arnhem Land NT

Aboriginals are known as one of the oldest peoples on earth, so when it comes estimating the ages of the Aboriginal paintings in Arnhem Land, it's almost impossible to accurately tell, exactly how old they are.

Anthropologists list their estimated age as been over 18,000 years yet there is geological evidence that suggests the art found on the rocks are at least 50000 years old.

This is a very spiritual place for the custodians and their wisdom and knowledge is felt throughout the space.  Many will invite you to share in their knowledge and feast on their bush tucker.

You can see why their art is so important to them, for it tells a story long before photographs and social media existed.  Aboriginals used their art and rock paintings to communicate their stories and retain their history and knowledge. This ensured it was passed down from the elders of the tribes to their new generations.

The top end of Australia is indeed another world and it very much feels like it is their territory, their land, their country.

It's a must have to visit, as you explore the top end of Australia and all its natural beauty. The chance to see some of its ancient history, as recorded by the Australian Aboriginal tribes, is a moment not to be missed.